2016 Resolutions

Let’s ignore the fact that I only posted for the first five days of Blogmas before giving up.


Happy 2016! The past year was filled with great memories. I went on my first cruise, I graduated, I went to Disney… twice, and so many other exciting adventures. I’m the kind of person who has to wait for a certain day to start anything new. Going on a diet? Wait until Monday. Want to go on a walk every day? Has to start on the first of a month. The beginning of a new year is the biggest clean slate you can get. Every year I try to make resolutions for myself and if I don’t go too overboard with my goals, I’m pretty good about sticking to them. Last year my resolutions were to write down one good thing that happened every day and to stop drinking soda – both of which were 100% done!

I have a good feeling about this year. There is a lot that I want to accomplish and I’m going to try my best to make it all happen.

A social media detox. This one’s a pretty small resolution but I think it’s much needed to take a break from Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter every once in a while. I logged out of everything on the 31st and my goal is to not look at any of them until Monday. So far so good.

Read more. I have a growing list of books I want to read. In 2015 I read a grand total of one book. In 2016 my goal is to read five – still not much but a big improvement.

See friends. I’m lame and ever since I started a job I’ve used that as an excuse to sleep all the time when I’m not working. I hope this year to actually make the effort to do something fun with a friend at least once per week.


Create. I want to create more. Get in touch with my artsy side. Go to a modern art museum, blog more, take pictures, graphic design, redecorate my room, color a picture, do a craft, whatever it may be. I need to spend more time doing that because it’s something I love.

Be active. Kind of broad, but I don’t want to set a goal for myself that will be too hard to keep. In general, sitting in an office all day is terrible for your health. Every night I want to do something small to help this whether it be taking a walk, doing yoga, dancing in my room to a few songs, or just stretching for five minutes.


Stay positive. Probably the most important resolution but also the most difficult. I want big changes this year. Make new friends and travel to new places. I want to think positively, be around good energy, think before speaking, stop caring what others think, stop obsessing over the small stuff, and make a difference in my own life.

Cheers to a fresh start and new beginnings.

x Alex

35 thoughts on “2016 Resolutions

    1. Thanks! I didn’t drink it too much to begin with – probably a few times a week when I would go out to eat. I feel much better about myself now though knowing I’m not putting all that extra sugar in my body – although all the juice I drink probably doesn’t help either.


  1. These are great! I’d love to know how your social media detox goes – what’s hard, what’s great. Is the plan to always take off the weekend, or is this a one-time deal? I’m not at a place where I’m ready to do that, but maybe someday!


    1. I’m on the last night of my social media detox and it actually wasn’t as bad as I was expecting! There were a few times when I opened up either the Instagram or Twitter app out of habit but quickly closed it. What makes it harder is getting notifications on your phone and not being able to look at them. This was a one-time thing but I may do it more often. I especially want to try and get in the habit of not checking social media right when I wake up. Thanks for reading!


  2. I think this is great – staying positive is the hardest thing for me in the world. If anyone can do it you can, because when you set your mind to something you seemingly can do anything.


  3. Great inspiration! Thank you for sharing your goals. This helps me focus on the fact that actually making goals allows us to be accountable and successful. Thanks!


  4. love this. Started a similar resolution with social media- it is usually the first thing I look at in the morning, even when still in bed, so starting to not look at anything until I have journaled, had devotions, prayed or had some sort of quiet time. It is good for the soul 🙂 love your blog mucho!!!


  5. I completely understand what you mean by social media detox – I did this in December. The holidays and finals were taking up lots of time anyway and I usually take a break between Thanksgiving and New Years. It does help:) Thanks for sharing!


  6. Last year, I tried writing one positive thing down every day and I failed :/ I did enjoy it and I thought it was helpful (I restarted over and over again, the longest I lasted was probably 2 weeks) but I didn’t manage to stick to it. Any tips on how you managed to do it every day? 🙂
    Jenny Side Up


    1. I just used the Notes app on my phone! I found that to be way easier than remembering to write in a diary or journal. I have a note called “2015 Moments” or something and each day right before bed I quickly wrote down (VERY briefly I think that’s key!) something great that happened that day. Thanks for reading!


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